1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Take Responsibility for Something You Believe In... writes
Khairil Yusof in MyOSS Community of Malaysia
Let's be clear. MyOSS community consists of students and
developers. Hard pressed for time and other resources. Every
now and again, somebody comes up and says that the community
ought to do something. They've done a lot already:
http://myoss.iosn.net/ http://foss.org.my
Of course these students and developers should give up what
little personal time they have left to do what other people
tell them to do. I take this personally, because whenever
this comes up, it usually comes down to a few people (aizat,
ditesh, nsh) who do real things (papers, presenting at
conferences and talks, organising meetups). It's unfair to
ask any more of them. This won't be the last time we hear
such requests, but what I would like to see next time is
something along the lines, "I want to do this guys, and have
spent some time doing it and would like the community to help
me out." Taking responsibility for something you believe in
is a much better attitude, then just throwing it to the

IOSN NEWSLETTER: FOSS in Asia-Pacific is edited by Frederick
Noronha -- http://fn.goa-india.org -- and supported by the
International Open Source Network -- http://www.iosn.net

IOSN promotes the adoption of free/open source software,
open standards and open content for sustainable human
development in the Asia-Pacific region. It is an
initiative of UNDP Asia-Pacific Development Information
Programme and supported by the International Development
Reserch Centre of Canada.

To include Asia-Pacific related news about FOSS in this
newsletter, please email ***@bytesforall.org This newsletter
is released under the Creative Commons Attribute 2.5 license.
Reproduction of the contents of this newsletter is
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